Europcar Mobility Group Objectius Organitzar una acció especial per aquells clients més fidels de la companyia. Sorprendre als clients però també a Europcar Mobility Group. Resultats Sopar únic en un ambient privat i elegant. Minimalisme de marca per una imatge global...
Pullmantur Cruceros - FITUR. FITUR (International Tourism Trade Fair), Madrid. January 2017 & 2018. Goals: Offer the client all the necessary services to be present at the International Tourism Fair of Madrid (FITUR). Management and organization of activities,...
Europcar - FITUR. FITUR, Madrid. January 2012 – currently. Goals: Offer Europcar a strong presence in one of the main tourism fairs, FITUR, designing a stand, coordinating activities, meetings and organizing a gala dinner with clients. Along some years...